In the last 15 years I have had the opportunity and happy experience of treating more than seven thousand two hundred patients with different ailments, the majority related to wears, even it does very slightly irreversible, of the cartilages of the knees, ankles, shoulders and hips or a break or wear of the vertebral column.
Our institute USA StemCell located in South Miami’s heart carries the slogan or motto ” Recovers your life “, since this is basically what the cells achieve mother with those patients incapacitated by an arthritic pain, already be in the column or in a joint.

Without exceptions, the patients with arthritic pain have a limitation of the activities, such as life daily as stairs rise or to go down, go shopping, to share in holidays with relatives and friends and to do trips of vacations. The common denominator was that normal life had been interrupt and everything seemed to indicate that the situation was not going to improve. The options, as always I say to them, they are the addictive medicines, therapies that often were unsuccessful, or a complex and dangerous surgery.

Nevertheless, the majority prefers resorting to a new method, a new way of seeing the medicine. Instead of replacing the cartilage with a metal or masking the symptoms with a tablet, this one has as aim stimulate the cartilage to grow again, improving the conditions and contributing more substratum. We refer to the treatment with cells mother.

Incredibly and before my amazed eyes, the majority of the patients start improving pain and, therefore, they manage to realize more and more activities and to come back to an active life, after two months of treatment. The definitive conclusion is that neither the surgery nor the addictive tablets nor the physical therapies are capable recover the normal life almost in its entirety, since stem cells achieve it.